

You are called to be more than a believer or fan of Jesus.
You are called to be His Disciple.

We believe to be a Christian is to be a disciple (follower) of Jesus. Our Savior has called each of us to enter a process of deepening in faith and maturity. This process lasts a lifetime. This process of spiritual growth happens in many ways in the course of life and through the ministry of the local church.  (Matthew 28:16-20; 2 Timothy 2:1-7, John 8:31-32, John 15:1-8)

At Monterey, we focus on six biblical practices that help guide our spiritual journey: 

1) Bible Engagement with Passionate Prayer, (what we call a daily quiet time)
2) Wholehearted Worship (Faithful committed participation in Sunday Morning Gatherings)
3) Humble Service (Consistent and committed service to our Body and the larger community)
4) Joyful Generosity (Consistent and faithful with financial offerings, which are investments in the Kingdom of God) 
5) Discipleship through Community (consistent and committed participation in a small group)
 6) Outreach (Investing in the lives of those outside of a relationship with Christ and the Body of Christ and inviting them in) 


 OUR MISSION at Monterey Church is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and our Discipleship Program is designed to encourage and equip the Church, one heart and one mind at a time, to fulfill the Great Commission.

Monterey Church Discipleship Program

The Monterey Church Discipleship Program comprises of a three-part training course: Discover, Develop, and Disciple.
Every class builds upon the former, leading you closer to fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for your life. 


An introduction to Monterey Church.
Discover Monterey Church’s core beliefs, mission, vision, and purpose, as well as our structure (i.e., our framework for ministry within the church and beyond), as illustrated by the "Mountain and the Tree."  


Becoming strong disciples, faithful followers of Christ. You will develop in the spiritual disciplines (habits) that will cultivate spiritual growth, helping you to be a strong disciple of Jesus, and develop your unique spiritual gifts for building the Kingdom of God.


Becoming disciple-makers, the Great Commission.
Empowering and equipping disciples to “Go!” and MAKE DISCIPLES, be an ambassador for Christ and defender of Truth, and a messenger of the Good News – everywhere you go, doing whatever it is you do.

Contact us

Please use this form for more information on upcoming Discipleship opportunities.