We read and study God's Word daily to grow in our faith and understanding of the Lord. Our church follows the common lectionary, which includes a reading from the Hebrew Bible, a Psalm, a reading from the Epistles, and a Gospel reading.
Download the upcoming monthly Bible Reading Schedule and Devotional Guide below and commit to reading God's word each day.   



What if I have my own approach to seeking God through His Word and my own Bible reading schedule? 

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! If you know how to tune in to God’s voice, then keep up that great and faithful work. But if your way isn’t creating the results you need, try this one—maybe it will freshen things up. Please don’t make the terrible mistake of being unteachable and prideful in your relationship with God. We are all very much the same; the Bible tells us we must all diligently seek Him with all of our hearts. You need to create this time and practice in your life just like the pastors, leaders, and every member of your church. Remember: God’s people perish without it! 

What if what I am thinking God is saying is wrong? 

Fear not. The Bible says even the most sensitive hearers of God misunderstand or have times when they don’t clearly hear. The best way to be sure that we tune God in, and do so accurately, is to daily seek Him through the Bible and through prayer. What God reveals tomorrow will qualify and test what we have heard today. If yesterday seemed silent, it may be because God wants to speak more dramatically and clearly today. A daily conversation will cause you to see themes and reoccurring words from God that become a drumbeat and are very clear. Going to church and a dGroup (discipleship small group) are also two critical ways to discern and test what we think we are hearing from God. People who pray with and for us will help confirm what God is speaking to you. The church’s teaching will also amplify and clarify what God is speaking to you on a personal level. 

What if I get behind and miss a day or many days—do I need to make it up? 

No. God will re-begin with you right where you are. Though a devotional time does require discipline, it’s not to be a religious behavior or guilt driven. If you miss a day or two and desire to catch up, so be it, but that isn’t necessary. Just re-begin, and God will meet you right there. 

Why is it called a devotional? 

It is the time we use to set ourselves apart to hear from and devote ourselves to God by seeking Him and His will for us through His Word. 

Why do we read so many Psalms in the Bible Reading Schedule and sometimes repeat them fairly quickly? 

The Psalms are powerful examples of worship and the interplay of conversations with God. They are the part of Scripture that prepare our hearts for more Scripture. The Psalms are songs (psalms), poetry, and prayers used in worship. Many of the words in the worship songs we sing each week originate from the Psalms. It is good to begin to remember and even anticipate the poetry in this special section of the Bible.